Sunday, April 11, 2010

Moleskine Madness...Riding the Palomino...

Yeah! The Palomino pencils came in the mail this weekend! I immediately put them to good use. These pencils are almost like drawing with a pen. Very smooth and creamy. If you have the chance to purchase these pencils, DO IT!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Moleskine Madness...Down the Rabbit Hole and Through the Looking Glass...

I'm in an 'Alice In Wonderland' mood this week. Strange scribblings above will attest to that. I was trying to move a little outside the usual comfort zone for me. I can say that though I like the Alice, it's kind of Gothy, the White Rabbit looks slightly like a geezerly chimney sweep.

My usual, more contour type line. I like them both here but, I am not sure what the rabbit is carrying. Could be a funky old cell phone or a strange floppy wallet thingy. Well, I hope that you enjoyed the Alice voyage. That's all for now.
Have a great day!