Thursday, June 27, 2013

iStock Illustrations...Playoff Time!

Here is the finished illustration from the sketch that I doodled during the playoffs. It was created in Illustrator and is now available on iStock!
Have a great day everyone!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Moleskine Madness...Financial Flurries!

Just talking to people these days gives me the impression that everyone is uptight and worried. Well, folks, let me give you a little benefit of my wisdom…
It’s always been tough out there!
Yes, since I graduated high school during the Reagan Administration until today, times have been up and down. Well, except during the Clinton years when Al Gore invented the internet.
So, the message is: Hang in there and be positive!
Yupper! Things always get better as long as you keep that positive attitude.
Just so you can remember these words of wisdom here is my BEE POSITIVE for you!
Happy Birthday Mom!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Comic Commentary...Anticipation for Game 4!

I'm looking forward to the game tonight and it reminded me of a strip that I did a short time ago. 
There is also some new additions to the Oddbird Arts web site. Join us on Twitter and Pinterest!
Thank you for your support!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Sketch o' the Day...NBA Playoffs!

Yes, it's that time of the year! I spend my time during the commercials doodling. Here is one sketch that I did during the break. It's a slam dunk!