Monday, March 31, 2014

Moleskine Madness...The Box!

It's the time of the morning when the coffee is brewing and the world is not quite yet awake.
It's a good time of the day for me.
I enjoy waking up and smelling the coffee.
Have a moving Monday!

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Foto Phunday...Unidirections!

I'm not a big fan of unidirections.
Just sayin'.

I am a big fan of the raw fish!
Here is a lovingly photographed view of my sushi roll.
Have a delightful Sunday!

Friday, March 28, 2014

Moleskine Madness...Honey Buns!

The feeling was passionate and she was intrigued.
Would the potential of love be realized.
Or will it just be quick bunny hop.

Have a furry Friday!

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Moleskine Madness...Dragon Daze!

Just kickin' back and drawing a quick little dragon for today.
Have a fiery Thursday!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Moleskine Madness...Sprinkles!

It was a long and strange day of appointments all in a row yesterday.
The organization, though beautifully executed, was an exhausting repertoire of driving, parking, running and then rinse and repeat.
Curiouser and curioser as I rush into the rabbit hole.
Have a weekly Wednesday!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Moleskine Madness...The Bull!

The joy of the future is found in the journey that winds through life of cultures unforgotten.
It survives in the mind of the great void and turns the wheel; which brings forth the new images of peace.
Find the energy in the tree of life. Read the pages of the souls denied.
Have a cubist Tuesday!

Monday, March 24, 2014

Moleskine Madness...Waiting for Gabor!

The infinite can lose patience with the divine.
And this occasionally causes an upset in the energy of universe.
Act as though everything is fine and this will all soon pass away into the vortex of time's past events.
It's really all part of a dream that an entity, caught in the crust of the outer shell of a black hole, is silently dream wishing.
Too much is all too soon.

Have a magnanimous Monday!

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Moleskine Madness..Pointless Running!

Love; if it were true, fell and did not stand up. 
The dark fog and mist surrounds; like a blanket that neither gave comfort nor warmth but, instead sends chill to the very marrow. No essence is false if it is brought forth by the soul and filtered through the heart. Yet where is the justice in this? If the blood that gives life has turned gray and still no one bleeds.

Have a spiritual Sunday!

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Foto Phun...Wonder!

Sometimes the sidewalk speaks to me.
The serendipitous adventure of walking in the park on a sunny afternoon can be rewarding.
It is truly something to ponder.

On the other side in the old casa grande, there is a beautiful bowl of colorful vegetables just waiting.
Time to make a great feast of a salad!
Have a cruciferous Saturday!

Friday, March 21, 2014

Moleskine Madness...Rat Package!

The door opened and small rodent carrying a large parcel stepped into the ihop. 
The hostess did not blink an eye and looked down on the small furry creature with it's carefully wrapped package that was bound in brown paper and twine.

"Seating for one?" She asked as she flipped back her blonde hair.
The rodent looked up at her and grimaced a smile as only rodents have the ability to do.
"There will be two of us." He said.

Have a Furry Friday

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Moleskine Madness...Fly Free!

Move swiftly and elegantly into the sky and feel the gentle breeze of forgiveness against your skin.
Let the breath of air float over you as you take it into your lungs.
The sun shines and the butterflies float silently.
Have a theriffic Thursday! 

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Moleskine Madness...Land of Two!

In the future or perhaps another dimension, public transportation is disobeying the laws of physics. 
As the forces of gravity are rearranging to obtain mobility the earth also rotates.
Also the landscape will be filled with cubes of various sizes.
Have a winning Wednesday!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Moleskine Madness...Earth Pig!

In bitterness of trial. That feeling of unknown expectations arrives on the front of treasured affections.  It is true that all things that live become old and die. They know this and shrink ever so slightly every hour upon the day from the life that once was a shining path into the now of the forgotten. Where the release of time is only a sigh.

Have a titillating Tuesday!

Monday, March 17, 2014

Moleskine Madness...Magic Mirror!

Peer into the magic mirror in the morning and get the days information.
It's direct and personal. It's mostly hyperbole that serves another secret agenda.
Though it disguises itself as news.
We all believe it anyway and use it to manipulate our worlds.
Have a meaningful Monday!

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Moleskine Madness...Let's Dance!

More assignments are filling my desk and I must get back to work to finish them by the deadlines.
The real job starts again tomorrow.
Back on the freeway!
Have a sweet and sunny Sunday!

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Moleskine Madness...Canine Coffee!

Time for another cup of coffee so I can complete the assignments for this week.
A late night and early morning for me!
Have a slow Saturday!

Friday, March 14, 2014

Moleskine Madness...Figs of Destiny!

"No," She said. "The monsters were not all in my head."
She turned to face the hideously beautiful and unnaturally calm presence that teetered before her as though it was thoughtfully providing wisdom.
"Fear not." It said. "Life is not what you see in the mind of others."
As it lumbered to and fro, it spoke again:
"There are always exceptions to this but, the subtle minds only listen to the hearts of the dead."

Have a fearless Friday!

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Moleskine Madness...Intimate Proposals!

The lights were dim and the moon was full.
She reached for the empty glass and saw that the clothing she had on was backwards in a forward way.
Where was the toaster when you had nine lives to lead and the great horned king was lost in the cupboard?
Finding nothing but old dried paste that had been left behind by the poor candle of time's index finger.
'Seeing is believing!' She declared and then soon departed for the old station.
Have a thackering Thursday!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Moleskine Madness...Tough Cell!

In the future, cell phones will be used to open portals to other dimensions.
Strange and unimaginable things will be found.
Including Uncle Ciggy's three dollar LCD watch that he bought at McDonalds in 1983.
Such is the future of wonder.
Have a wee Wednesday!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Moleskine Madness...Musical March!

That's right!
It's that time of March to get and shake your maracas!
Do it as much as you can today.
Have a toot toot tooty Tuesday!

Monday, March 10, 2014

Moleskine Madness...Snack Time!

If you want the bear to dance, you have to provide her with the right incentive.
Sometimes, the picnic basket just will not work.
That special box of snacks will have to be found.
Just watch the saturated fat.
Bears have a tendency towards heart disease.
Have a monstro Monday!

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Moleskine Madness...Bug Spray!

Choose your bug repellent wisely.
Just sayin'.
Have a slimy Sunday!

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Moleskine Madness...Fruit Toss!

I often toss my orange into the air and catch it.
Of course it has to wear a fez.
Have a slinky Saturday!

Friday, March 7, 2014

Moleskine Madness...That Way!

Uriah, the fatty cat, has found for himself the answer to all of his dreams.
The fortune of the little people awaits him. So, he thinks! 
The truth of the little people is that they use cats as beasts of burden.
Farm animals for production of their food and durable goods.
Fear not, fatty cat, your fate awaits you.
Have a freeing Friday!

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Moleskine Madness...Hat Trick!

The world moves in a circle through an ellipse.
This is the truth that never reaches an end point.
What does the elephant care for the monkey if she never eats a sandwich during the month of June?
Why is everyone so confused when the stuff that makes absolutely no logical sense is suddenly the way everything works?
Questions that remain unanswered are the intimate notions in the minds of angels.
Have a therzbeeful Thursday!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Moleskine Madness...Lab Kat!

Lab kats are often cranky.
The are subjugated to various chemicals, kept in fluorescent lighting, and often have their litter box misplaced by absent minded professor types. 
They frequently become antisocial and rarely go to parties.
The only outlet that they have is to take up a hobby. Lab kats are very fond of yarn and will usually take up knitting large sweaters for family members.
Have a winding Wednesday!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Moleskine Madness...Candy Man!

Even in Candyland the prospect of being envied for your choice of tasty treat can occur occasionally.
The true test of the Candyland citizen is to keep looking forward and never drop their sweeties on the ground.
That would just be wrong and could quite possibly instigate a riot of some variety.
Have a sweet and tasty Tuesday!

Monday, March 3, 2014

Moleskine Madness...Coffee Rabbit!

It is a known fact that rabbits in the northwest enjoy their cup of java more than others.
At the same time they like to observe nature as it grows and changes.
Interestingly, the eating of carrots does not improve their eyesight and most rabbits wear corrective lenses or contacts. They have a phobia of lasers and usually avoid lasik surgery as a general rule.
Have a magical Monday!

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Moleskine Madness...Oscar Night!

Time to finish the film studies homework just as the end of the Oscar presentations conclude for the evening.
Well, back to work!
Have a slippery Sunday!

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Soupy Saturday...Pho Toes!

It is a little stormy here at the old casa grande and we have snuggled in and made a big pot of Vietnamese Pho. For those of your not familiar with the Pho; it is like a beef and chicken soup with basil, bean sprouts, onions, and cilantro. Some hot chili paste and hoisin sauce are added for some extra spiciness. Finish with a squeeze of fresh lemon from our tree and it's ready to eat!
 Here is a Pho-to of my big bowl!

And here is my empty bowl!
Yum! Delish!
Stay dry and warm and have a great Saturday!