Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Moleskine Madness...Monkee Moolah!

There was always a rank but, sweet smell about him.
Something that reminded us of cinnamon and yeast.
He always carried a book bag and yet never was seen with an actual volume in his hands.
That smell would linger in the office for days. 
The women noticed. There was an odd pheromone mixed in with this scent.
They would talk excitedly for days, until the fragrance faded.
Work became the same again.

Have a waffling Wednesday!

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Moleskine Madness...Two Sugars!

She had a way with the brew. She knew the special touch that would enhance the flavor of the leaves.
Only in her hands was the tea an experience that would forever be remembered.
Now, the teapot sits empty and alone.
Never to hold the stuff that made such conversations so animated and full of importance that the world would have to take notice and listen or be cast into the fate of ignorance for all eternity.
Who will read the tea leaves now?

Have a tea for two Tuesday!

Monday, April 28, 2014

Foto Phunday...Broken Trash!

I try to avoid labeling things, people, strange mammals that appear in my yard.
Obviously, some people don't have this problem.
I'm getting a cup of coffee!

Have a merry Monday!

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Moleskine Madness...Paint Dogg!

I am hanging out and searching for the next subject for a painting.
Something that I could submit to the art association.
This cell mitosis and dog was one of the quick sketches.
I think that I need a little more coffee!

Have a searching Sunday!

Friday, April 25, 2014

Moleskine Madness...Dig Up!

Things that we appreciate come in many forms.
Some fly, some swim. others lope at a gentle pace.
Others have gorgeous brown eyes and puffy pouty lips.
Curvaceous thighs and round full breasts.
All have a beauty that is divine.

Have a fresh Friday!

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Moleskine Madness...Turn the Flag!

The city was always bright and vibrant. Full of excitement and bustling with the movement of  vehicles.
Everyday the winds blew and little organisms ran beneath the world. They toiled in the subterranean tunnels that connected the city to the spaces that ran in contrast to the ideals of the citizens that wandered often aimlessly above in air and blue sky. 
Who knew what was the future? Where was the time?
Only the birds that stayed in the grass had the ability to take the thought to the precipice.

Have a terrific Thursday!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Moleskine Madness...Bat Girl!

This bat girl is no super hero from the pages of a main stream comic book.
No, she's independent, quirky, and yes, a little off.
She is lots of fun at funerals.
So I am told.

Have a wicked Wednesday!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Moleskine Madness...Kooky Dough!

Sometimes all you need is a chocolate chip cookie.
Or an oatmeal raisin.
Or a chiffon mint orange trifle.
Just sayin'.

Have a tasty Tuesday!

Monday, April 21, 2014

Moleskine Madness...Steel and Pork!

The plumbing has a tendency to get backed up.
Much like my work schedule.
It's on to another week!

Have a muffin Monday!

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Moleskine Madness...Turkey Leg!

Rabbits get the job done today.
Ducks get the call tomorrow.
And small marmosets are generally ignored.
No one seems to know why.

Have a sunny Sunday!

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Foto Phunday...Mouse Butter!

Hey! Uncle Walt!
I found out what the cousins are doing these days!
Just sayin'.
You know I'm just being goofy.

Have a cinematic Saturday!

Friday, April 18, 2014

Moleskine Madness...Train Dance!

Uncle Gon, pronounced like John, was a farmer in the mid-west.
He was quite successful and his crop of soybeans was the pride of the town.
Then one cloudy day, Gon was out in the fields tending his beans, when he was suddenly struck by a bolt of lightning!
Afterwards, Uncle Gon wasn't really the same. He dressed in an eclectic fashion, began eating sushi, writing dark romantic poetry, and memorized the complete Elton John songbook which he annually recites in the manner of William Shatner at the family Thanksgiving dinner.
No one blinks an eye though, because Uncle Gon sold the farm to a Japanese conglomerate for millions of dollars.
Everyone loves Uncle Gon.

Have a freethinking Friday!

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Moleskine Madness...Road Blocks!

Looks like it's going to be a wonderful day.
Weather wise that is.
I don't have any inkling about the actual content!

Have a freewheeling Wednesday!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Moleskine Madness...Gastropods!

Gaspar loved his snails.
He tended to their every need.
He fed them the very best of vegetation and only organic would do.
Unbeknownst to the snails, Gaspar also enjoyed sauces of heavy cream, butter, and garlic; and that he would soon have an odd and epicurean epiphany.
Run, my little friends, run.

Have a thickening Thursday!

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Moleskine Madness...Laughing Dogg!

It is the break of a new day.
I have to let the dog out before there is an accident that someone will have to clean up.
Where's the bacon and coffee?

Have a traveling Tuesday!

Monday, April 14, 2014

Moleskine Madness...Three Coins!

Time to start a new week and try to make some more of that coinage that everyone seems to want.
Or at least want from me.
Have a making money Monday!

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Moleskine Madness...Snake Fries!

Sometimes the future happens and we never notice until we have ordered.
When we get that order of large fries is it really what we wanted.
Just sayin'!

Have a super Sunday!

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Foto Phunday...Worm Box!

Just doing some research on garden projects today!
A worm box looks like a promising assignment.
Have a scented Saturday!

Friday, April 11, 2014

Moleskine Madness...Silent Moose!

Just grabbing a sandwich and I am out the door!
Time to get on the road and sniff the coffee.

Have a freewheeling Friday!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Moleskine Madness...Angry Beas!

The turning of the key began the intimate sequence of circuits crying for the electricity.
They squealed and popped as the life of grindery became the pastime of the masses.
Steal no more; between the sheets of the gas video.
Only the ghosts that peel off the old; can find the whole.

Have a mysterious Thursday!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Moleskine Madness...Point the Ray!

X-rays are one of those strange anomalies that occur in physics that finds a unique purpose.
Much like most of us at certain times.
So be your own little X-ray today.

Have a wifi Wednesday!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Moleskine Madness...Endless Summer!

There is a feeling in the air today.
That spread of a slow heat wave is happening.
I will need a huge pitcher of ice tea.
This is a kind of haiku.

Have a cool and shady Tuesday!

Monday, April 7, 2014

Moleskine Madness...Naughty Haughty!

The Poofuss is a creature of only one mood.
They are always happy and never have a bad time.
Their days are full of sunshine and candy colored rainbows.
They also enjoy eating chocolate bunny ears.
Spring is their favorite time of the year when they often fall in love.
Have a magnifico Monday!

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Moleskine Madness...Sailor Moon!

What would you name a bird that has spent all of its life on a ship at sea?
I am not sure but, it would be an interesting moniker.
Of course this is why they call it the poop deck.
Have a sturdy Sunday!

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Foto Phunday...Sidewalk Signs!

I not only was attracted to this hydrant because of its new coat of bright yellow paint but, also because it's the King of Hydrants.
The big crown on top says so!

I also wonder about the people who have written their names in the sidewalk.
Are they hoping for immortality?
Some form of ego satisfaction demands that we humans leave our mark on this world.
Perhaps Danny and Keren of 1984 will have a prominent place in a museum of the future and children will also wonder at the nature of the fleeting existence that we all live.
I just wonder where they are and if they are still together in some way.
Maybe that was their point all along.

Have a barbecued Saturday!

Friday, April 4, 2014

Moleskine Madness...Awl Seeing I!

It's time to rejoice at the new day ahead.
Smile and break wind into the sun.
It only through the eyes that one can hear and the ears through which we can see.
Have a flurepirous Friday!

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Moleskine Madness...Fish Bowl Too!

Never overfeed your goldfish.
It's just not good for the relationship.
They get fat and bloated and you'll have to pay for that gym membership.
And finding spandex sweatpants is almost impossible.

Have a thinking Thursday!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Moleskine Madness...Indignant Bedbugs!

Journeys end in a thousand years.
How can the tragedy of the fiery pit be so longed for in one lifetime that holds much promise.
It cannot deny the truth!
Even though the path leads to extinction and perdition, it is the natural tendency of life to bite the devil's hind end; then it is to hang oneself with angelic robes.

Have a worldly Wednesday!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Moleskine Madness...Past Nuts!

It's true that old nuts never die.
They become jars of crunchy nut butter.
Which can be consumed with impunity and overall crankiness.

Have a tasty Tuesday!