Saturday, August 3, 2013

Tech Savvy Saturday...The PM6100/AV

Just cleaning up a PowerMac 6100/AV. These are cool little machines in the "Pizza Box" format that was so popular with Apple during the late 1980's through the 1990's. The 6100 has a 601e processor which was the first of the IBM-Motorola RISC type chips that were manufactured. It is labeled as being manufactured in California, USA!

Here is a picture of the guts! All I needed to fix after all of the abuse it has probably endured, was to switch out the battery that keeps all of the settings in memory. It was in very good shape! I'm not sure what I want to do with it yet. It is the AV model which gives it the unique capability to work with video and watch cable television with it. 
Have a great Saturday!

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