Thursday, October 22, 2009

Moleskine Madness for 10/22/2009...

A cartoon horse because, well, I like to draw horses.
And a quick caricature of a chef from a restaurant in downtown Santa Barbara.
I'm just going to call him Chef Paul because, well, I want to.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Moleskine Madness for 10/20/2009...

Ladies for today.
One from observation, while having lunch in Isla Vista.
The other a cute Wicca, or is that Wiccan?
From my imagination, she's part of my Halloween illustrations that I'm working on lately.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Moleskine Madness for 10/14/2009...

Meanderings of my brain and pen.
These were actually two different pages in the sketchbook but, when I put them together in Photoshop, they seemed to be made for each other.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Quick Caricature...

Just a quick sketch while flipping channels.
Some very excitable infomercial guy.
Wasn't really sure what he was selling.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Moleskine Madness for 10/11/2009...

Not entirely sure what this is.
An amusement park for rodents in the future?
Or something to build for Burning Man?
Who knows?
What do you think?

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Moleskine Madness for 10/10/2009...

The Infamous Swamp Chicken!
I think that is actually what they call muskrat on the bayou.
Though I could be wrong about that.

I like bears. I like coffee.
So my caffeinated ursine cartoon is just a combination of my odd interests.