Thursday, July 31, 2014

Moleskine Madness...Long Distance!

Grand sounds of thunder echoed through the canyon walls. 
Ordering the spirits of the old ones to come forth and set the world on fire.
 Owls cried and wolves bowed their heads.
 Dreams were made but, unfulfilled they became lonely trials of fame. 
Breasts were thumped and banged in frustration of the crow’s claw. 
Yet, the bears sang of love for only one. 
Ending the desperate journey of the sad and wiser warrior.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Moleskine Madness...Undone!

The time was in and the scent in the air spoke of fall.
It was felt by those few that walked in feather and fate.
The wizard bellowed at the bed empty in sight.
Then half-heartedly hailed a taxi.

Have a wavy Wednesday!

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Moleskine Madness...Fast Truck!

Lost in the blank stare of a lonely cat, she sighed and sipped cold tea.
Everyday she would do this ritual.
Trying though it was to her.
It appeared to get some rare satisfaction from the act.

Have a tickling Tuesday!

Monday, July 28, 2014

Moleskine Madness...Meat and Stone!

Something new was going on.
She knew that the office was talking about her.
The new guy she had been dating was sending the signal.
They were expecting. Something.
What it was they could only guess.
She would surprise them with the shot and meat.
Flesh and stone was all that she wanted.

Have a mildewed Monday!

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Moleskine Madness...Moshin A Goshin!

The setting sun gave the water a purple fade.
Love was still there.
He couldn't forget her.
But, she was no longer within reach.
Her soft flesh was merely a thought and memory.
Her eyes and lips; like sweet starlets upon the dance floor.
No more.

Have a sweet Sunday!

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Moleskine Madness...No Ghosts!

The spirit moves and groans towards the entrance of the the moist whole.
Stops in mid trance as the design  is forbidden to encroach.
The vision of dancing bears and frolicking point of sales have begun to flaunt dangerously.
Entice the free sight of nine.
They will set the worlds in motion.
And pear the notion with teasing minutes.

Have a silent Saturday!

Friday, July 25, 2014

Moleskine Madness...Fonography!!

"Listen!" She said emphatically. "Hear the weeping of darkness?"
He looked at her directly and puzzled with a sidelong grin.
"If I do, what do I win?" He replied.
"Something special." She said. "Everything that is my heart."
He picked up his drink and drew a fast red sip.
"And every heart is cast in gold." he said. "A prize worthy of my soul."
She laughed with her eyes and poured him another drink.

Have a falling Friday!

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Moleskine Madness...Fired Up!

Movement in the dark! She jumped from the bed and rushed to the window.
Grey figures danced in sensual waves of shimmer and gloam. 
The moonlight was less than and the faces could not be made certain.
She watched. The dance called her heart to join and prey.
Where was the salt and spray?

Have a tharuking Thursday!

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Foto Phunday...Lost Knome!

The lone gnome
a home
The lone gnome
a tome
The lone gnome
The lone gnome
The lone gnome

Have a whatever Wednesday!

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Moleskine Madness...Sold Out!

She got what she wanted.
The opportunity to get her revenge and laugh at him.
He was gone and along with it, her only chance of redemption and renewal.
Her only chance of true passion that was immortal.
She had broken her destiny and line of fate; as her dreams of glory would not be realized without him.
Now, she would just get fat and old.

Have a tutored Tuesday!

Monday, July 21, 2014

Moleskine Madness...New Jam!

Feeling his way around the wheel, it lost it's wild edge of sharp union.
Turning the curve was like caressing the silk of a tight dress on an expensive diva of discontent.
The lights hummed and the engine was bright.
The night came and the speed left him contented with drops of fear and sex.
Sell the world and give the profits to the road.
Weave. Weave. Weave.

Have a motoring Monday!

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Moleskine Madness...Solar Eclipse!

The broad shoulders of the absent hilltop was the beginning of the road.
She felt the love only once and then she faded fast into anguish.
Leaving him alone in his desire of a new life.
She pursued the other.

Have a saving Sunday!

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Moleskine Madness...Candy Samples!

If the eye could see beyond twenty miles in the retention of the vision;
then the day would become silent in the way of pain.
All of the people would not cry in the wash bin of Hippocrates.
Because, human life is more than the flesh.
It is failure to give through the gold what is only the right.
Feeling is believing in the pupil of ones own mind.
To look at the moon is well soft and high.

Have a secret Saturday!

Friday, July 18, 2014

Moleskine Madness...Sew Watt!

The serenity of the detention in the cage of the emotional dysfunction was more than he could take.
Trying to break free he step on the toes of the big monkey.
It screamed and slapped him with its tail!
He fell to the ground hard and fast like a rain drop in August.
And here the tale ends.

Have a fat Friday!

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Moleskine Madness...Do Nut Wholes!

If there wasn't any fish on the menu they would leave.
Because of the effervescent rags of retold tales that are always part of mermaids dreams.
Having said nothing in response to the question of rain in the carriage; the two went along separate ways.
Not returning to the point of entry where the old hen was laying.
Dogs slept easy that night with themselves. 
Never scratching at fleas.

Have a thin Thursday!

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Moleskine Madness...Franks Lunch!

The wind blew over the cliffs like whispers of angry clowns.
Looking over the ocean; where dreams were soaked with tar and sand.
The cliffs kept watch and saw only the crabs that danced in tango.
Dangerous and conniving, the crustaceans held their heads high and sat on the old boats.
Where they were found by the boy. His dog beside him.
He had the catch of the day.

Have a working Wednesday!

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Moleskine Madness...Sudden Rush!

The jump was into the bush where the empty bottle played.
It popped and belched with the salty confection of sea and wistful notions.
The swirl filled the void between fire and the indecision of mind.
Letting the old grasp the truth in perception.
The small ones smiled.

Have a tintype Tuesday!

Monday, July 14, 2014

Moleskine Madness...A Bee Sees!

The box was a message and she was surprised at his gift.
She amused herself by staring at it. Never opening it.
The gift always lay within reach. Always in some potential state between the now and the when.
He saw this and offered her his hand. Hoping that the touch of flesh would give her strength.
She did not take it but, instead gave him a small soft kiss.
This became their seal and thorn.

Have a magical Monday!

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Moleskine Madness..Last Straw!

He had his first crush and it was not a happy affair.
She wanted his heart. And only his heart.
Nothing else would satisfy her.
He endured the torture and the pain to be next to her.
She was all that he wanted.
But, now he was heartless.

Have a selfie Sunday!

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Moleskine Madness...Fruit Loose!

"That just stinks!" She said.
"It was cruel and uncalled for." He replied.
The hummingbird gave a yawn and the wicked dwarf called time.
"Who has the ball?" She wondered out loud.
"It's only in the psychic's hands now." He replied.
The game played on.

Have a Sexy Saturday!

Friday, July 11, 2014

Moleskine Madness...Pipe Dreams!

It had started as a very simple thing. 
A tiny speck of mold on a piece of warm volcanic rock.
Time took its grace and felt the power of life in the small organism.
To have it become something more than just a chemical reaction.
It was the first to behold the birth of love in the morning Sun.

Have a feathered Friday!

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Moleskine Madness...Restless!

"I don't have the time." She said to him while lifting the cat onto bed.
The cat could not find the spot that would satisfy her desire to nap and jumped off.
"You made the cat angry." He said. "Why are you so mean?"
The cat rubbed around his legs and began to vibrate and whirl.
"It never changes colors any more." She complained
"Does that matter?" He said. "She is our child."
She smiled and giggled. "She is. Isn't she."
And dinner was served.

Have a throwback Thursday!

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Moleskine Madness...Unless Knight!

Try as they may, the giraffe would not cough.
It was a very stubborn giraffe that was given to frequent and unreliable tantrums.
These would last for an undue amount of time that could only be considered useless.
The giraffe was subsequently fired from his position as night watchman for his unruly antics.
Now he sat in the hall for most of the day thinking.

Have a weedy Wednesday!

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Moleskine Madness...Short Timer!

The crime was never committed. Though the sentence was handed down.
It was life. Never having confessed for the deed and always unrepentant; he never gave the world a chance to explain its need for constant revenge. The possibility for parole existed only in the realm of misunderstood dreams and dark serenity of thought. Neither of which gave the Sun its yellow sheen. 
Nor the peace of the deathly still; that demanded a sacrifice too extreme for the simple of heart.
The belief had departed and been replaced by fork and spoon.

Have a tacky Tuesday!

Monday, July 7, 2014

Moleskine Madness...Enduring the Past!

The water was cold when he jumped into the pool.
The wet engulfed him in noise of bubbles and splash.
The laughter disappeared  and the faces faded as he went deeper into the darkness below.
Where his friends would never explore.
Only he, would or could, enjoy the other side.
It was the perfect escape.

Have a milder Monday!

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Moleskine Madness...Sunny!

The day was complete. The fun that they had together was between them and gone.
She walked towards the garden and smiled to herself.
She knew that he would miss her. Not only today but, for a long time.
If not forever.
Her smile lingered. It told the tale.

Have a silky Sunday!

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Moleskine Madness...K9 Unit!

Take a word from the old toaster of desire and throw it at the wall.
If it sticks only the wild salmon can sleep the day until the night falls.
If the words swim towards the dark roses that curl in the bed with witches twinkle; 
are the true violet men of the era functionally illiterate?
The words will fly into the sky!

Have a sawed Saturday!

Friday, July 4, 2014

Moleskine Madness...Go Fourth!

Let your George Washington out today!
Enjoy some good eats and drinks.
Watch those fireworks.
And remember the freedom that you enjoy came at a very high cost.

Have a free Friday!

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Moleskine Madness...Face Time!

Profits. That was the word.
The future was only the past wrapped in the present.
Memories made of twine and old rubber cement never lasted long in the sun.
And the old mouse played the tune on her trumpet only for the King.
Keeping everyone sitting on the face of the clock too soon.

Have a throwaway Thursday!

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Moleskine Madness...Yogurt Nails!

Every door was the same. Only the numbers changed.
The people eventually became a blur of unsettled malcontents that would embark on a yellow rant.
She moved on. Keeping her case close to her.
Her livelihood was at stake.

Have a wiffle Wednesday!

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Moleskine Madness...Slightly Used!

What was the daily special doing in the cupboard with the cat?
On the counter the last stack of fat lizards were licking their tails with the odor of wishes.
Seeing oblong in the greasy judge of the day's nether rings of error.
They laughed at the lone feline with her only song!

Have a tried Tuesday!