Friday, August 31, 2012

Freaky Friday...Robot Wash!

In the future, automobiles will be self-maintaining and self-cleaning. This will not be a problem for those student clubs that need to raise some cash because there will be plenty of robots that will do our dirty jobs and they will need the occasional maintenance and shine.
 Happy Friday!

Friday, August 24, 2012

Moleskine Madness...Looking For the Buddha!

I had another very vivid dream last night about searching for the next Dalai Lama. All that came of this was this cartoon. I think that there is a t-shirt epithet in there somewhere.
Happy Friday!

Friday, August 17, 2012

Moleskine Madness...To The Moon!

I had this very vivid and lucid dream last night that I created and built a launch vehicle and robotic lunar rover. It was very successful and started a new space race. The lunar surface was soon occupied with assorted habitats and each one had a statue of me in a prominent place. It was a good dream.
Happy Friday and sweet dreams!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Moleskine Madness...The Royal Falconer

Just something to take up the room in the Moleskine.
Have a great day!