Friday, May 30, 2014

Moleskine Madness...Turn Left!

Today looks like a good day for a long walk!

Have a furry Friday!

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Moleskine Madness...Pony Spoon!

Seven was the allowable throw for the goal.
It was often missed because the use of the angry Qolek resulted in many injuries.
The very least of which, was the nasty bites that wouldn't heal without months of ointment application.
Very stinky ointment that would leave the skin stretched and inflexible.
Thus goals were often intentionally missed.

Have a thrifty Thursday!

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Moleskine Madness...Flour Girl!

The true test of energy is to live.
To have the potentiality removed from the system is a great sadness.
Knowing the blossom is the joy.

Have a wilder Wednesday!

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Foto Phunday...Holding Nothing!

This guy seemed a little wooden and has lost something.
I'm curious as to what it was.

Have a tweeting Tuesday!

Monday, May 26, 2014

Foto Phunday...Porkers!

I always make a point of stopping at establishments that have pig pooters in the the window.

Because they usually have delicious roast meats on the inside.
Brunch is on!

Have a meaty Monday!

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Foto Phunday...Rode Trip!

My wife caught me relaxing after the first part of our 18th Wedding Anniversary road trip.
What is keeping that cocktail waitress with that drink!

Have a safe Saturday!

Friday, May 23, 2014

Moleskine Madness...Roving Star!

The universe is a spiteful and vengeful mistress. Fortunately, I am one of her true loves; unfortunately, I have a sense of humor and see the absurdity of life in her eyes. This truly pisses her off. Which is why I am here. In the cubie. In the cage. In the bureau. Oh, don't get me wrong; I'm not bitter. She can have a very sweet and sexy side too. 
When she wants.
Like today.

Have a frisky Friday!

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Moleskine Madness...Allefent!

Keeping free of the short end of the waffle was never an easy twist.
That it was as soon as done if not overdone was not always wet.
Can the dog hear the beauty of the wheel?
Only if it can see the roughness of the wind.
Thus the Allefent was born to run.

Have a thriving Thursday!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Moleskine Madness...Slow Up!

The middle of the week is in a rush to get over the hump.
Burn the midnight bacteria in sunrise gleefulness.
Join the match of three swans in deafness over the sand.
It is all the same in the end.

Have a whiffling Wednesday!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Moleskine Madness...Drive Buy!

They saw the little blue world sitting out among the stars.
It wasn't remarkable in any real way. It was just sitting there. Taking up space.
They didn't give it a second thought. Until one time when a light appeared on the surface.
Then one more. Soon there were thousands of lights covering the continents.
Then they knew. 
It was time for a vacation.

Have a traveling Tuesday!

Monday, May 19, 2014

Moleskine Madness...Kooky Witch!

Sitting down in the seat, the wood creaked as if it let out a quick painful shriek, what was the time?
It only served to see the lamp in the corner of the room by the clock which was ten minutes slow.
No one cared to tune the cat. If the will to see the future is not grasped by the fire, then what is the use of talking to the rabbit. We saw the wisdom in the window and were moved to the left.
The red door opened and in flew the scent of rose.
As we stood from the seat, the wood let out a quick sigh.
It was the time.

Have a mysterious Monday!

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Foto Phunday...The Rex!

It is the king of the 16 mm cameras.
The Bolex H-16 Reflex.
The workhorse of generations of filmmakers since the 1950's for everything from newsreels to enigmatic short art films.
I used mine shown here for animation.
Now it waits for the short summer film which is in the pre-production phase.
Let the games begin! Long live the king!

Have a sassy Sunday! 

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Foto Phunday...Talkin' Trash!

I am sure that I feel much more at ease now that I know my garbage is being handled by the diamond shaped tough guy.
Just try to take him on Oscar!

Have a selfie Saturday!

Friday, May 16, 2014

Moleskine Madness...Mixing Bowl!

When feeding the lesser Gloper it was important to keep the body stiff.
The lesser Gloper was a skittish creature and would often flee.
The tools that the feeder used would lessen the stress and tension.
Bringing the lesser Gloper in for its meal.
The honor of the village was served and the spirits set at ease for another cycle and thousands of the lesser Glopers became increasingly obese.

Have a far-fetched Friday!

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Moleskine Madness...Fish Story!

Really it's not a fish story.
Technically, the whale or cetacean is a mammal.
But, I haven't sketched any sea life lately and I thought it was about time.

Have a thrilling Thursday!

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Moleskine Madness...Electric Thought!

A little snap and the plastic unit fit into place.
The body began to hum and the appendages began to move.
Lights signalled some sense of animation.
Was their life? A heart? A soul?
Only the gods of mechanical deeds had the answer.
We realized that the wrench was in the soup and the hand had not faltered.

Have a wishful Wednesday!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Moleskine Madness...Slug Fest!

The summer is coming up fast.
Opportunity for a little slug wrangling.
It's a little slimy at first but, you get used to it.
The slugs don't mind.
They like to travel and see the world.

Have a tuneful Tuesday!

Monday, May 12, 2014

Moleskine Madness...New Days!

The new week is upon me and it is almost as if I am being confronted by a pack of tiny wild dogs.
I'm filling my pockets with chunks of meat and running in the opposite direction.
Oh, wait!
Here come the zombies!

Have a merciful Monday!

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Moleskine Madness...Word!

First, let me say Happy Mother's Day to all the mum's out there.
And to the Dad's, who are dealing with the antics of the stinking little rug boogers...
Enjoy it while you can!

Have a great Sunday!

Friday, May 9, 2014

Moleskine Madness...Flower Power!

Only one sprouted.
It grew to a size that was unnatural for its species of flower.
The gardener was pleased as she remember her previous year.
The year of the squash fiasco.
She smiled and sipped her drink in the warm sun.

Have a fruitful Friday!

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Moleskine Madness...Old Times!

When old friends meet they know it.
It could have been days, weeks, or a thousand years before the meet again but, that look in the eye, the smile, is always the same.
The spirit changes but, stays the same.
And only the heart knows it.

Have a thriving Thursday!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Moleskine Madness...Roo Beer!

Just in time to begin the morning with a fresh cup of coffee.
Making the rounds and headed into the cinema alley.
That's enough work for today.

Have a wild Wednesday!

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Moleskine Madness...Doggy Style!

The dog did the dance of the late afternoon. 
Being held in place by a short length of cord  that was attached to a hipster.
Kissing the dirt with her nose she detected the scent.
She wanted to run but, was held back by the lone appendage of flesh.
That member of the pack that never smelled her butt.

Have a trophy Tuesday!

Monday, May 5, 2014

Moleskine Madness...Large and In Charge!

A good swim on a hot day is always a good thing.
Just be sure to wait an hour before going in.
I'm not entirely sure why.
It would seem to be the common opinion.

Have a mystery Monday!

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Foto Phunday..Take It Easy!

Like my reclining Buddha, I will chill out today.

Have a selfie Sunday!

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Foto Phunday...Buddha Head!

I enjoy these monumental Asian sculptures.
This Buddha was particularly attractive to me.

Have a sculptural Saturday!

Friday, May 2, 2014

Moleskine Madness...Flaming Phish!

Searching through a cave of wonders, a rodent, that was also a wizard, found a candle.
The wizard shared this candle with his friend the representative of the fishmongers local # 587.
The candle knew the how the universe folded upon itself to make the dimensions a stable lattice, thus insuring that all space-time functioned is it should; according to the laws of Newton's uncle's sister's cousin.
It also gave the fishing fleet a record catch that year.

Have a fish story Friday

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Moleskine Madness...New Tights!

There comes a time in every comic book superhero's life when the old tights don't work anymore.
Nothing impresses the wonder women with the enthusiasm that he once could evoke with just a glance.
Is it time to hang up the old suit and reminisce about old times with the gang.
No, absolutely not! 
Perhaps some new dance moves would work?

Have a totally Tango Thursday!