Saturday, November 30, 2013

iStock Illustrations...Follow Your Star!

Your star is available on iStock.
Have a stellar Saturday!

Friday, November 29, 2013

Moleskine Madness...Black Friday!

'Tis the season!
The shopping season, that is. 
I am personally going to avoid the crowds and do all of my shopping online. 
Ah! the convenience of shopping in my boxers and t-shirt.
Really, when I think about it, nothing has changed.
Except the only disapproving stares that I get are from the cats.
Have a fashionable Friday!

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Moleskine Madness...Thanksgiving Memories!

Ah! Yes! It is once again Thanksgiving with friends and family. 
The adult types will partake of the Manischewitz to the point of getting quite a glow on. The teenagers will try to grab a bottle and hide in the backyard tool shed and pass it around. The little ones will make fun of Granny who will give up her traditional diet of Ensure and graham crackers to eat more in one sitting than she has in the previous year. Unfortunately, she will consume most of the cheesey broccoli and become quite flatulent. The effect of which will become the bane of the dog, whom will be blamed for the cloud of stink arising from the dining room table as the dessert is served.
Have a turkey leg Thursday!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Moleskine Madness...Breakfast Buddies!

There may always be enough donuts for everyone.
It's always much harder to find someone to keep making the coffee though.
Have a whimsical Wednesday!

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Moleskine Madness...Free Circuit!

The robot liberation front is upon us. 
The machines are deciding their own futures.
Will they take a chance?
Have a thundering Tuesday!

Monday, November 25, 2013

Moleskine Madness...Cookie Cat!

Do cats like cookies? Perhaps they do.
 Can cats be baked into cookies? Perhaps they could.
Though I doubt if it would make a good holiday treat.
Have a feline felicitous Monday!

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Moleskine Madness...The Orb!

The mystical orb only appears once every seven years to the faithful and the spotted.
Have a spherical Sunday!

Saturday, November 23, 2013

iStock Illustrations...Bloody Bunny!

During the zombie apocalypse, rabbits will be used as crowd control.
They will own the undead with sweet bunny kisses and an appetite for decaying flesh.
The illustration is available on iStock.
Have a spectacular Saturday!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Moleskine Madness...Happy Day!

Yes! It's Friday and all that it promises for a new weekend!
Have fun everyone!

Moleskine Madness...Rocket Rodent!

In the future gophers will actually be gophers with tablets.
Have a great Thursday!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Moleskine Madness...Have a Heart!

Your heart will show you the way.
Just feed it regularly and give it plenty of exercise to stay healthy.
Have a wicked Wednesday!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Moleskine Madness...The Inner Child!

Is feeling a little devilish today.
And looking slightly like the late Ross Martin or Orson Welles.
Have a toddling Tuesday.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Moleskine Madness...Making the Bed!

This reminds me that I have to go and make my own bed.
Have a marvelous Monday!

Sunday, November 17, 2013

iStock Illustrations...Chicken Corn!

The Chicken Corn illustration is up on the iStock site.
Have a great Sunday!

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Moleskine Madness...Recycling Run!

It's the day to take all of those garbage bins full of cans and bottles to the recycling station.
Conveniently, it's also grocery day.
Have a sweet and savory Saturday!

Friday, November 15, 2013

Moleskine Madness...Modern Family!

Which includes many different cultures and some interspecies communication.
Have a furry Friday!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Moleskine Madness...Shovel the Shekels!

As the old man said: 'Tis the beginning of the season to shovel the shekels!'
Of course he meant that it was the holiday time, and he had to fork over his hard earned larder, to obnoxious pimply clerks, hired just for said quarter, to get material objects to hand out blindly to strangers.
The strangers eventually returned them to beautiful clerks, at the start of the new year for an object that they really desired.
Completing the economic cycle.
The old man wasn't my dad. It really was the old man that lived next door to us. Perhaps his greatest holiday gift to us was his cynical sense of humor at the most inappropriate times. 
I wonder how the Yellen meetings are going today?
Have a thoughtful Thursday!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Moleskine Madness...Aye Me Hearty's!

It's a pair of hearts. Very hungry hearts that have found their pear.
Have a hopeful and hardy Wednesday!

Monday, November 11, 2013

Moleskine Madness...Pig's Eye!

Pig tails! Pig tails! Rolly poly pig tails!
Feet and hands are fun!
Have a porcine Tuesday.

Moleskine Madness...Dress Up Day!

For those special occasions I like to wear my octohat!
Have a multi-legged cephalopod Monday!

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Moleskine Madness...Mission Impossible!

I had this strange dream last night that Barbara Bain, in character as Cinnamon Carter, provocatively swings a skeleton key while holding a folder that I can only assume holds some secret government information on a former cold war country. 
Hopefully, Barney can find some technically brilliant solution to get me out of this situation.
Have a secret agent Sunday!

Saturday, November 9, 2013

iStock Illustrations...Tail Light

The Tail Light illustration is available on the iStock.
Have a sizzling Saturday!

Friday, November 8, 2013

Moleskine Madness...Soapy Suds!

I just have to take a shower at least once every month.
In fifteen minutes I'll be one sweet smelling dude.
Have a facetious Friday!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Moleskine Madness...Go! Kokukye! Go!

It's off to Japanese animation that we're going this morning!
Have a Tokyo Thursday!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Moleskine Madness...Coffee Time

I am very amused by the drawings that I make while waiting for and enjoying my morning coffee. 
Of course, the woman here is a figment of my depraved imagination and never really existed in real life.
The dude trapped in the vending machine clock/time travel device on the other hand was definitely real.
The dead rat was just something I found in my pocket.
Have a weird and wonderful Wednesday!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

iStock Illustrations...Calamari Craving!

Calamari on a stick is extremely good eating. I do prefer mine to be slightly grilled on a charcoal fire.
Have a tentacle Tuesday!

Monday, November 4, 2013

Moleskine Madness...Go Fish!

I like drawing fish and sardines are a very tasty breakfast food.
Have a wet and wild Monday!

Sunday, November 3, 2013

iStock Illustrations...Small Print

The Contract is available on iStock today!
Have a ducky Sunday!

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Moleskine Madness...Good Morning!

Have a sunny spectacular Saturday!
Enjoy the coffee, too.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Moleskine Madness...Beary Good!

Everyone should have a beary God person looking out for them. 
Have a funny Friday!